Monday, January 21, 2008

You can't go fast if you go too slow so GO GO GO GO!

I used to say to people "I'm a runner. I run!" with the pride of an accomplished athlete, as though I'd won competitions, or at least participated in A Competition. I didn't, but I was proud anyway. Running is hard. Don't let anyone tell you any differently. When you start to run, it's hard. But once you make it past the first week, or the first few miles, it gets so much better, and then it's fun and mile for mile the best exercise out there.

I ran for fun in the hills of Elk River, and then I ran to lose the weight I gained with my pregnancy. Worked like a charm. However, once I lost the weight, I moved, and without a parent partner living in my house to watch the tot, I stopped running, and haven't started again in a regular pattern. It's the figurative and literal hill in front of me, and I'm determined to climb it to feel that perfect running feeling again. Not to mention the runner's ass. That's something I also miss.

The end game of this whole thing will be a race. And to quote the Backyardigans...."Whoever is the first around will get to make that victory sound."

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